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This is an overview of the OMNIBUS F4 flight controller and BetaFlight OSD (BFOSD).


The OmnibusF4 is a STMF4 based flight controller with an integrated BetaFlight OSD. Like the OmnibusF3, it has an integrated BetaFlight OSD and voltage regulator. Instead of an F3 processor, it has a faster F4 processor and instead of an SDCard slot, it has onboard flash.

Update Nov 2016: There is now a version of the OmnibusF4 with an integrated SDCard instead of flash, so you can choose which you prefer.

The other big difference between the OmnibusF3 and the OmnibusF4 is that the OmnibusF4 uses a dedicated bus for the GYRO. While this is usually unnoticeable, thanks to software improvements in BetaFlight, it may make a small difference when running fast looptimes since the OSD and the GYRO never need to share time on the same bus. In non-technical terms, this means that the GYRO can talk to the main processor without any interruptions from any other devices.


The big advantages of using an integrated BFOSD vs a MINIM-OSD are that 1) no extra flashing step is required, 2) the BFOSD can be configured in the BetaFlight GUI and 3) the BFOSD sticks menu allows you to configure all the latest options BetaFlight has to offer.

OSD GUI Configuration

Here's an example of the GUI configuration. It's drag and drop:

OSD Sticks Menu

The OSD sticks menu is the same as the OMNIBUSF3 and it is awesome. Here's an example of what it can do:


If you're familiar with the layout of the Omnibus F3, the OmnibusF4 is very similar:

For a full wiring guide, see the Omnibus F3 flight controller setup.


F3 processors have built-in UART (serial port) inversion, which is important for S.BUS receivers, however on the F4 processor, this is not built in. Therefore, the OmnibusF4 has another component on the board that does serial inversion on the main S.BUS/PPM input port.

This main input port, shown above, is used for either PPM input or S.BUS (inverted). To use UART1 without inversion, use the pin on the lower left hand side of the board, which does not have an inverter.

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